Tuesday 19 April 2011

Ingland Is A Bich

Riots have become rather the fashion in London. In the wake of the recent anarchist fiesta I expect the police are more than a little worried about the peaceful prospects of the coming royal wedding. It gets even more worrying; for in our capital public disorder is not just practiced, it’s celebrated.

In Lambeth last week an event was held to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the 1981 Brixton riots, helpfully renamed the ‘Brixton Uprising’ by local councillors. The invited guests included the Jamaican ‘poet’ Linton Kwesi Johnson, who numbers Ingland Is A Bich among his greatest works. The spelling and the use of the upper case, incidentally, is all his.

This delightful event comes after the BBC held its own inimitable celebration. Radio Four broadcasts a show called Reunion, in which people who took part in some past event are brought together to reminisce. Last month it was the turn of those who were involved in the ‘Brixton Uprising’, a one-sided collection of deadbeats and do-worsers would be more difficult to imagine, best represented by that mouth Darcus Howe, a ‘thinker’ and all round professional Black Man. This broadcast was recently described as ‘naively one-sided’ by the Daily Mail, in uncharacteristically restrained language. To hell with restraint: stupid, ignorant and biased serve much better.

No ordinary people were invited, black or white. None of the people caught up in the violence were invited to describe the fear that they felt in the midst of the thuggery, sorry, the ‘Brixton Uprising.’ Writing in the Telegraph, Charles Moore reminds us that ‘Red’ Ted Knight, another of the participants, said in the aftermath of the riots that “We want to break the Metropolitan Police”, a view clearly shared by Captain Anarchy, one of the sponsors of the more recent London ‘uprising.'

He goes on to detail the other things the show failed to mention - that it was the first time in England that Molotov Cocktails were used, the first time that fire engines and ambulances were attacked by mobs. Most important of all, no mention was made of the fact that riot started when the police, condemned afterwards for 'institutional racism', stopped to help a black man who had been stabbed.

No, none of this was raised, even by the tame policeman among the guests. Instead Howe was allowed to witter on about Margaret Thatcher, the great Satan, explaining that she was “getting into Falklands mode”, rather odd when one considers that the riots came a year before the Argentine invasion of the islands.

Furthermore, according to Howe and Knight, the fact that so many additional policemen were sent to assist their beleaguered comrades in Brixton was all part of a ‘cunning plan’ by Thatcher to break the will of those opposed to government ‘cuts’. The simple fact is that, as Moore rightly says, the police were woefully unprepared for these events.

The legend still persists, perpetrated by the likes of Red Ted and Black Darcus, that Thatcher’s was a ministry that severely reduced public sector expenditure when the reverse is true. The riots provided yet another occasion for throwing more money at an alleged problem, this time racism and ‘exclusion’ in the inner cities, all coming in the wake of that old dotard Lord Scarman’s ‘findings.’

One by one new measures came into the light, with millions wasted, yes, wasted, in grants to this ethnic community organisation or that ethnic community organisation. The lie was swallowed whole that the ‘Brixton Uprising’ was something more than a fiesta of crime, looting and rioting in the guise of social protest, as Thatcher herself put it at the time.

On top of one evil came another - the great lie of ‘multi-culturalism’, that nation within a nation approach, the adverse consequences of which politicians across Europe are now becoming aware of. England, sorry, Ingland, was betrayed in those days by people pandering to thugs, looters, drug-dealers and idiots; Ingland is betrayed still.


  1. For me, the most interesting character in Tolkien's great trilogy is Saruman the Wise. One time leader of wizards, revered for his knowledge and character, Saruman falls to hubris, ambition, despair, and becomes the tool of Sauron. To the end he believes he is choosing the least evil of all evil alternatives as his own will fades and he becomes a shadow of the great shadow - as the Nine Kings did before him.

    Behind the ill-begotten orcs who have so gleefully defiled England, there are controlling minds that were once subtle and quick but have been seduced by a worm of thought that drips poison into all they see and hear. The poisoned minds that orchestrate chaos and destruction stay far from the battle lines while the worm in them giggles at the bloodshed and broken lives they have caused. Behind them there are darker intellects still . . . and dark armies.

    So what of the future? The simple orcs are mere pathetic tools, powerless without a controlling will. But the wizards . . . can we cure them or is more drastic action required to kill the worm?

  2. So Kingdoms have fallen. So Empires shake. For I am Queen of Death and War! my warriors I bless you, your foes' heart I break. No sound is sweeter than armies' great roar! ( Charge of the Morrigan ) Purge Europe!!! Purge - To cleanse or rid of impurities, foreign matter, or undesirable elements.

  3. Calvin, I fear so. The first step is to get out of Europe, that Mordor we were led into by the stupidest wizard of all. I love your Sauron analogy. In the best Oscar Wilde fashion, I wish I had said that. :-)

  4. Anthony, another Lord of the Rings scenario. :-)

  5. Well then, let the BNP have a go, what have you got to lose ? it seems that you are ready to run away, at least they are willing to try. The cancer that is infesting western society requires immediate and aggresive treatment,if you do not take action all will be lost "forever". You already have two generations corrupted by a crypto-communist educational system. The hords of middle East and African immigrants will multiply and gain political power and impose their ideologies and inferior genetics on Europe. Why can they not make a decent go of things where they come from? They will displace the idigenous population, make no mistake, this is a battle for survival of western values, culture and race. they have shown to have no respect for your values and traditions and are a burden on social services as a welfare state can not sustain itself. The enablers of communism must be removed from political power by whatever means.If this trend is not reversed there will be war in Europe, time is short. No lord of the Rings scenario here and now reality.

  6. [quote]
    ....Ingland Is A Bich among his greatest works. The spelling and the use of the upper case, incidentally, is all his.

    I'm glad you made that clear Ana. I was beginning to get quite worried about the spelling ability of our new history researchers. You have now set my mind to rest.

  7. Spot on, Ana; and about time that the insufferable, utterly egregious, racist buffoon Darcus Howe was ripped a new one.

  8. Anthony, I'm opposed to all who advance a socialist and state-worshipping agenda. Take away the racism and the BNP are no better than Old Labour. They are also a party of very little brain.

  9. RTK, the man gets on my nerves - big style!

  10. Who then? The Crown? HA! HA!

  11. Aye, the best left on the Mayflower.

  12. No, Anthony, the people Nixon referred to as the great silent majority, the people turned off by the likes of Nick Griffin - too weird by a million miles.

    You like puritans, then? :-)

  13. No ,not really, you should have kept them maybe they would of have repelled the invaders.

  14. I doubt it, Anthony, as they barely survived their first winter in New England without the help of the Indians, sorry, Native Americans. :-)

  15. Hi Ana. I went to see Linton Kwesi Johnson twice around that time ... I loved his music. 'Inglan is a Bitch' and 'Reggae fi Peach' are classics, in my opinion. I remember that when I was first in London in 1979, working on building sites, there were posters of Blair Peach about the place. I spent a lot of time in Brixton in September 1980.

    What you must realize is that there are different experiences and different realities for different people. Objective, impartial, empirical truth would be hard to come by. We all have our own point of view. Johnson was writing and singing from a valid point of view ... and God, he and the Dennis Bovell Dub Band made some good music.

  16. Brendano, it's a pleasure to see you after such a long gap. Are you still blogging? I haven't had any alerts for a long time. If you are on Twitter do please join me; I'm beginning to use the service more and more. Also you might like Blog Catalogue (widget to the left). There are some interesting discussions and it's not nearly as vitriolic as My T.

    You know I like to have fun; I'm a contrarian and a polemicist; it's my nature! Still, there is no malice in my admittedly robust approach. I know nothing of this man's work. The title of his poem simply suited my purpose here. :-)

  17. Hi Ana ... thank you very much. Yes, I understand all that, of course. Just thought I'd offer a different perspective on LKJ.

    Yes, I'm still blogging ...


    I still use MyT too, more to comment than to blog. Very busy with work, so not much time to blog these days. I'm not on Twitter. Will check out blogcatalog ... thanks.

  18. Hi Ana.

    "Red’ Ted Knight, another of the participants, said in the aftermath of the riots that “We want to break the Metropolitan Police” "

    They succeeded. The Police today have been politicized. They are nothing less than an extension of left liberal thinking in uniform.

  19. If your hopes are on the silent majority, The say nothing do nothing lot, then all is lost. You would have a better chance of waking the dead than the forty or so million sleeping sheep that constitute your silent majority. You might as well pack your bags, at least you can go to someplace warm :~)

  20. Nobby, did you what I wrote in Captain Anarchy, the wage slave? The upper command, certainly.

  21. Anthony, I live in hope that the worm will turn. :-)
