Have you ever been in a situation, or a place, say a church or a library, where something struck you as funny? It may not be all that funny on later reflection but just try to contain a laugh when it wants to explode!
I’ve been reading Anne Applebaum’s masterly Iron Curtain: the Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-
You see, I would have been overcome with explosive fits of laughter over the shear earnest pettiness of it all. Imagine going in to a bookshop and seeing children’s titles like Six-Year-Old Bronek and the Six Year Plan. You leave quickly, only to have your senses assaulted by a propaganda hoarding. There it is, just across the street, boldly announcing “Every artificially inseminated pig is a blow to capitalist imperialism!” Your lips are tightly closed; the laughter is escaping like steam under pressure. You don’t want to be seen so you turn away to look at the latest civic art, only to be confronted by a painting entitled “The technology and organisation of cattle slaughter.” Was the Berlin Wall really brought down, I wonder, by a great outburst of laughter? Sorry, I should write the Anti-Fascist Protection Wall, to give its official title.
Yes, there is humour in the story but the bigger picture is altogether bleak. In picturing the history of communism in
Let’s be absolutely clear about one thing: for people in places like
The expression ‘Iron Curtain’ did not originate with Winston Churchill but it was he who was to give it greatest resonance in speech delivered in Fulton, Missouri in March, 1946;
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and
Applebaum sets out her stall quickly. She refuses to entertain the revisionist view that the imposition of communism throughout Central and
So far as Stalin was concerned there were also foreign policy advantages. The new communist satrapies acted as a buffer zone in a period of growing East West tension. More specifically, an independent
As always the road to hell begins with noble intentions. Alongside the cynical little Stalins, who had spent years licking the boots of their Master in
The truth came quickly; the truth came in
Here I immediately fast forwarded to the events of June,
After the uprising of the 17th of June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
That would seem to serve as the very definition of the so-called People’s Democracies. In the place of real people came a hollow cardboard illusion.
Applebaum is splendid in her treatment of the high politics, in her description of the appalling stooges who reproduced the bleak apparatus of Stalinism in their respective spheres of influence: personality cults, purges, camps, bogus trials, the whole depressing paraphernalia. She also offers a description of the corrosive effects of communism on everyday life. Any kind of personal or free expression, even in the most minor forms of liberty, was excised. Popular consciousness was filled with the state and nothing but the state. One small example serves here. The scout movement was banned as were all other private societies. In
Iron Curtain is a splendid piece of work, witty, perceptive, thoroughly researched and superbly written. I was impressed enough to consider it the most important book I’ve read this year, one that will make a lasting contribution to our understanding of this period in history, a tragedy on which the final curtain has thankfully fallen. My main criticism concerns the title. It’s not a comprehensive history of Eastern Europe between 1944 and 1956, as the title misleadingly suggests, but principally a history of three countries behind the Curtain –
Don’t let that bother you. The history we are given is first class, a journey into a heart of darkness. Iron Curtain is a book that is scholarly and accessible, free of all condescension while losing nothing in the telling. It’s a commendable achievement. I felt both exhilarated at deflated at the end, especially after reading about the brutal suppression of the 1956 anti-communist rising in
What a depressing subject.
ReplyDeleteIt certainly is, Anthony.
DeleteConcerning jokes in communism, there is a nice documentary on sovjet humor. It is called the 'The Hammer and the Tickle'.
ReplyDeleteHere is an into: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN0AJEe6i50
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0870117/
It is not amazing, but definitely an entertaining watch.
Thanks, dear Penguin. :-) I've written here in the past about humour from the Eastern Bloc. Have a look at this. http://anatheimp.blogspot.com/2009/10/no-joke.html
DeleteI wish I could agree that we have seen the final collapse of the Iron Curtain, but I fear it merely became redundant as the key elements of its purpose leached across and became woven into the fabric of the International Socialist EUSSR. Time will tell . . .
ReplyDeleteFair comment, Calvin. That's also something I've written about. The one comfort is that it's still possible to laugh at the ridiculous Pee Wee Herman Rumpay van Pumpy. :-)
DeleteAppelbaum's history of bolshevizm without origin of bolshevizm form New York and history of east-european soviet bloc without Yalta treaty of Roosvelt, Curchill and Stalin is none, void
ReplyDeleteLaszlo, this isn't a history of Bolshevism. I can't quite grasp the point you are trying to make.