I have a confession to make: I read the Fortean Times, that repository of the weird and the wonderful. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Yes, far rather this than, say, New Scientist, far too boring for a dreamer and an artist like me! Still, I do like to pick up on the occasional spot of soft science. The latest issue of the said publication has an altogether fascinating article on the impact science has had on the poor old werewolf. Headed Where have all the werewolves gone? it’s by Brian Regal, assistant professor for the History of Science at Kean University, New Jersey.
There are two essential points here: first that the ancient belief in werewolves as living creatures, going back to Pliny the Elder, weakened by the growth of rationalism, was all but destroyed by the new theories of evolution put forward by Charles Darwin and his acolytes in the nineteenth century.
The second point is that superstation is more enduring and less subject to logical dismissal than may be supposed. So, werewolves, a belief that humans could transmute, was ejected from one door only for new monsters to enter by the other, monsters to which scientific theory gave life! The Wolf-Man is dead; long live the Ape-Man!
The author makes the point that from the late seventeenth century onwards, as scientists reached out for a better understanding of apes, attempted to introduce new and more precise forms of taxonomy, old anthropomorphic preconceptions lingered. Jean Jacques Rousseau, for instance, imagined the orang-utan to be an early form of human, uncorrupted by civilization. Before that we have Edward Tyson’s Anatomy of a Pygmie, in which he effectively reconstructed a dead chimpanzee- never having seen a live one- as a hairy human, standing upright!

The discovery of Neanderthal Man lead to further speculative reconstructions. In effect the European Ape Man had been born. Not just that, but in some of the early illustrations, including one in an edition of the Illustrated London News, published in 1909, he looks remarkably, well, like a werewolf, armed with a club!

You see, as Regal says, while the theory of evolution, of organisms adapting to and being shaped by their environments, does not prove a priori that Bigfoot exists it does give tacit approval to the possibility that it could exist. It exists, as does the Asian Yeti, as a theoretical possibility. The author puts it thus;
With Bigfoot and his kindred the story comes full circle. Science helped disprove the existence of monsters such as mermaids, hippogriffs and werewolves, but simultaneously allowed for the appearance of Bigfoot.

The poor old werewolf has been replaced by Bigfoot and his kin, all thanks to the evolution of science. Even so, I still retain a high degree of reverence for magic, for transmutation and for the supernatural. Bigfoot does not excite me, whereas the Wolfman does. I shall be going to the movies soon to pay tribute to his hairy presence. :-)

You read the WHAT? OMG! I will try to save you from yourself, Ana. Watch this space.
I will. :-) It's great fun and surprisingly scholoarly.
ReplyDeleteNever been much of a fan of bigfoot. Always took his loyal followers as leaning towards the hick variety. I did look for him one drunk night while visiting Colorado... but that's just because they had those stupid signs up and I it would have been very detrimental to hit a big foot.
ReplyDeleteIt surely would! Thanks, PJ. That alleged picture of Bigfoot looks like a guy in a gorilla outfit to me. :-))
ReplyDeleteFirst, congrats on the scoop! I had no idea this issue was even on the stands yet, and here you have a nicely worded review and summary of it. It's nice to see when someone gets the point you're trying to make. This thesis is part of a larger book project I am working on.
Personally, I've always liked Werewolves. They are more tragic characters than, say, vampires who I don't care for at all.
Thanks again,
Brian Regal
Brian, how wonderful! It's a really super article; I'm glad to have had the opportunity to comment on it, glad to have bought that issue of the magazine. I shall certainly keep an eye on the progress of your research. Please do let me know when the book is published. Thanks again, Ana. :-)