Look at the picture to the right. It was taken recently at Gwrych Castle in Abergele, North Wales. There is nothing unusual, I suppose; it's just a picture of a woman, possibly in her twenties, looking through one of the first floor castle windows, from what is the old banqueting hall. There is one small problem: the floor she should be standing on crumbled away years ago; she is literally walking in the air!
The picture was taken from the outside of the building by one Kevin Horkin, who only noticed the figure later when he was downloading his pictures. Is it a ghost? I honestly can’t say and I’m not entirely sure that I believe in ghosts, or any form of life after a death. Is it a fake, a trick of the light? Again I can’t say, but if it’s trick of the light, it’s some trick; if a fake it’s a highly accomplished one.
Although Gwrych itself, built in 1819, is not particular old it was constructed on the site of an ancient house named ‘Y Fron’ (rounded hill). It was closed to the public in 1985 and has lain empty ever since; apart from the spirit presence, that is! The North Wales Paranormal Research Group says that there have been many sightings of allegedly supernatural entities over the years.
The lawn
Is pressed by unseen feet, and ghosts return
Gently at twilight, gently go at dawn,
The sad intangible who grieve and yearn....

I have seen a few photographs like this, Ana (and maybe this one, too). It was Sam Johnson who said of ghosts, that all belief is for them and all reason against. But what on earth has reason got to do with it? When we see the moon, or the desk in front of us, do we immediately consult our reason?
ReplyDeleteYes, Jamie, there are clear limits to reason. Even Wittgenstein recognised that simple truth.
ReplyDeleteO God! We have no need of Wittgenstein, Ana, we love our sanity too much. We just use our senses. Much, much, more interesting and informative.
ReplyDeleteHave you read the Tractatus, Jamie? If not you might be surprised; there is a strong element of mysticism.
ReplyDeleteYes, but there is mystery in everything, Ana. Mystery lies at the root and the crown of everything. Ghosts are no more mysterious than gherkins - once we begin to ask questions.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't wish to lead your blog along that bright road. It's happy enough as it is. :-)
I never ask questions about gherkins. :-))
ReplyDeleteThis may be a reflection of a girl on his own back if he took the picture through a window. So we should know the place where he took it. Have you ever been in this place before??
ReplyDeletethat is pretty good. you can even see facial expression on her. Wow.
ReplyDeleteKunday, I think the picture was taken from the grounds outside the castle. No, I've never been.
ReplyDeleteYes, Jeff, it is good.
I find it rather ironic that the photographer is the owner of the Spex opticians. Isn't it amazing what one can do with photoshop. She looks a lot like the British actress Emma Watson. Not to deny the remote possibility of the photo being genuine.
ReplyDeleteYes, she does. :-))