All along the crooked way
The same story once again
Of sorrow and of pain
One fool in a dream
One black-hearted queen
A tale of unrequited love
That's written in tears, written in blood
She smiles, he cries
He begs, but she denies
As tonight becomes tomorrow
All joy will turn to sorrow
This is a tale of a succubus
A tale of love, pain and lust
A cheated heart and the broken trust
And death, and death!
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Where there's love, there is lust
Where there's a boy to give his heart
There's a woman to tear it apart
Where there's giving, there's taking
There's faking, and there's breaking
Where there's trust deceit's right there
The dream becomes the nightmare!
This is a tale of a succubus
A tale of love, pain and lust
A cheated heart and the broken trust
And death, and death!
To despair she'll take him
A shadow she'll make him
Before him, the open grave
On his wrist, the razor blade
Young man, hang your head and cry
It's time to suffer, it’s time to die
Abandon you the dreams of youth
Abandon love, hope and truth!
This is a tale of a succubus
A tale of love, pain and lust
A cheated heart and the broken trust
And death, and death!
She will crush you, she'll excite you
She'll destroy you, she'll ignite you
She'll take you to a world of darkness
And death, and death!
On a night of dread and wonder
Hear her heartbeat turn to thunder
Now's the time for soul surrender
And death, and death!
So, what’s a succubus? The name itself comes from the Latin, meaning ‘to lie beneath.’ The succubus, traditionally understood, is a female demon, the equivalent of the male incubus, a demon that comes at night in order to seduce men in their sleep, extracting sperm in the process.
Throughout the Middle Ages the emission of sperm in the night was thought to indicate that the individual in question had been visited by a succubus. Not surprisingly there was an unusually high incidence of this amongst monks, who were thus thought to be particularly susceptible to the attentions of the demon ladies!
Taking the form of a beautiful woman, most often depicted with bat-like wings, she acted a little in the fashion of a vampire, draining her victims of vital energy and life-force, sometimes to the point of death, as well as stealing sperm to produce artificially conceived offspring. The child is not that of the succubus herself. Rather the sperm was passed to an incubus, who uses it to impregnate women in their sleep. The semi-demonic children produced in this manner were known as cambions, thought to be particularly susceptible to demonic influence.
Lilith, the first wife of Adam in Jewish lore, ejected from Eden after refusing to accept his authority, is said to have become the first succubus to avenger herself on his descendants. Because of this succubae are known collectively as the Daughters of Lilith.

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